Completing this Extra Credit activity correctly, will boost your lowest grade for the term by 30 points!
(EXAMPLE: A 60 would become a 90)
This activity is due before the end of the current term.


NAME_________________________________ CLASS____________________ DATE____________ 

Newton's First Law Worksheet

  1.  An F18 Hornet aircraft sits motionless on a runway because of inertia. If that plane starts to move down the runway, it means that there must be a force acting on it. Of the four main forces that act on aircraft, which one is most likely to cause the forward motion down the runway? __________________________________________________________________________________________________

  2. Which of the four forces causes the airplane to become airborne? ______________________________________________________

  3. Once the F18 Hornet is airborne, which force is trying to hold the plane back?_____________________________________________

  4. If the F18 Hornet was to loose engine power, what force would bring it back to the ground?___________________________________

  5. As the F18 Hornet travels at a constant velocity, it burns fuel, which decreases its weight. In response to this decrease in weight (or gravitational pull), which of the four forces is also likely to decrease?_____________________________________________________

  6. In the space provided, draw an arrow that indicates thrust force  of the F18 Hornet pictured above:

  7. In the space provided, draw an arrow that indicates lift force  of the F18 Hornet pictured above:

  8. In the space provided, draw an arrow that indicates weight force  of the F18 Hornet pictured above:

  9. In the space provided, draw an arrow that indicates drag force  of the F18 Hornet pictured above:

  10. Which one word defines Newton's First Law of Motion? _______________________________________________________________