Magnetic Levitation

This crossword was created by 10-14-04 with EclipseCrossword by Green Eclipse Software —

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1. Like trains, ________ use land to travel from one point to another.

4. When a mag lev train rides on a single rail system, we call this train a ________ train.

5. Materials that are either thrown away or recycled after they have been used are called post ________ materials.

8. Planes or helicopters use ________ to travel from one place to another.

10. Instead of using actual magnets on the track system, Mag Lev trains use ________ to suspend the train above the track.

14. The number one reason why Mag Lev trains are not in place in more cities around the world is, the setup costs are too ________!

18. The ________ step in the design process is to narrow down your ideas and to select the one "best" design idea for the problem. This is when you would make a very accurate "final design" or "working drawing".

20. Boats or ships use ________ to travel from one place to another.

21. ________ causes energy loss, generates heat, and causes mechanical wear on parts of the system. Mag lev has very little of this which allows the trains to operate more efficiently.

24. When magnets are used to suspend one object above another, we call this magnetic ________.

25. Mag Lev trains do not carry any ________ because electricity is the only source of power.

26. Mag Lev trains consume much less ________ because the rails are high off the ground. What ever happens at ground level can continue almost unharmed.

27. The ________ step in the design process is to research the need or the problem.


2. Rockets use ________ to travel from the earth to the moon.

3. When the + side of one magnet is put to the - side of another magnet, the two magnets will ________.

6. Once the testing is complete, we would communicate our solution to the whole class in step ________.

7. Mag Lev trains are much ________ than other trains because they are literally suspended above the track system.

9. Mag Lev trains cannot ________ because of the track design. The train is actually "locked" onto the rail system.

11. When the + side of one magnet is put to the + side of another magnet, the two magnets will ________.

12. Mag Lev trains are usually more _______ than other trains because they are usually located off the ground and away from animals, pedestrians, cars, and buildings.

13. The ________ step in the design process is to identify the need or the problem.

15. Step 5 in the design process is to construct a ________ of your solution. This is when we build the item you are designing.

16. Mag Lev trains are more _______, meaning they consume less fuel and energy than other fuel burning trains.

17. Mag Lev trains are primarily used for ________.

19. For step ________ we may need to redesign and / or rebuild our prototype. After the class has seen your prototype, they may make some suggestions on how to improve your design.

21. Mag Lev trains can go much ________ than fuel burning trains.

22. Step ________ is the final step in the design process. This is the step where all of your hard work is evaluated. Usually this means "taking a test"!

23. The ________ step in the design process is to develop possible soultions to the problem, by making as many thumbnail sketches as you can. Brainstorming is another term used to describe this step.

27. In step ________ of the design process we would conduct many tests of our solution and evaluate the results. In this case we would race several times and observe what happens.


This crossword puzzle was created by 10-14-04 with EclipseCrossword. Try it today—it's free!