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©2002, Bigelow Middle School, Engineering Technology Department


2007 MCAS Practice Questions
Technology/Engineering - Grade 8

Question 4: Multiple-Choice
Reporting Category: Technology/Engineering

A manufacturer wants to produce a container for food storage that does not break easily and is airtight, inexpensive, and microwave-safe. Which of the following is the best material to use to make the container?

A. glass
B. metal
C. paper
D. plastic

Question 6: Multiple-Choice
Reporting Category: Technology/Engineering

Which of the following bridges is an example of a suspension bridge?


Question 13: Multiple-Choice
Reporting Category: Technology/Engineering

Which of the following identifies the primary function of a radio station tower in a communication system?

A. decoder
B. encoder
C. receiver
D. transmitter

Question 16: Multiple-Choice
Reporting Category: Technology/Engineering

Scientists working for a company are testing a new medicine that they think will help heal damaged tissue. In which part of the company are the scientists working?

A. distribution
B. mass marketing
C. public relations
D. research

Question 20: Multiple-Choice
Reporting Category: Technology/Engineering

The tools shown in the picture below are used in a factory.

In which of the following manufacturing processes are these tools most likely used?

A. assembling
B. cutting
C. finishing
D. shaping

Question 24: Multiple-Choice
Reporting Category: Technology/Engineering

Several interchangeable parts are used in the manufacture of automobiles. Some examples of these parts are batteries, windshield wiper blades, spark plugs, and tires.  Which of the following is an advantage of interchangeable parts over non-interchangeable parts on automobiles?

A. Interchangeable parts are generally more expensive than custom-made parts for automobiles.
B. Interchangeable parts break more often now than in years past on
most automobiles.
C. Interchangeable parts are plentiful for custom-made automobiles.
D. Interchangeable parts can fit many kinds of automobiles.

Question 28: Multiple-Choice
Reporting Category: Technology/Engineering

Which of the following tools is most useful for tightening a small mechanical fastener?

A. chisel
B. pliers
C. sander
D. saw

Question 33: Multiple-Choice
Reporting Category: Technology/Engineering

Which of the following best describes an advantage of using a mass production manufacturing system instead of a custom manufacturing system?

A. Customers can provide specific feedback to workers.
B. Workers become skilled in all aspects of assembly.
C. Goods can be easily modified for customers.
D. Products can be made at a lower cost.

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